Listen Live

How to listen to us on Paltalk...

In order to listen live on Paltalk, you will need to download their small freeware program. This is available from Paltalk's website. Installation instructions are provided and are reasonably straightforward. At a minimum, you will require a soundcard and speakers.

Where to find us on Paltalk
To find us, click on "Groups" and then click on category "Christianity". You will then see a list of open forums; click on "Grace and Truth Ministries". The forum opens a few minutes before all services.

A couple of points about Etiquette
Remember that this is a forum for serious students of the Word of God. If you would like to chat with someone during the class, please use the Instant Messenger function instead of the text chart. While the class is in session, on the text chart will be posted the main points from the message.

Hope to have you join us soon!