
18 2011

The Olivet Discourse Part 2 Matt 24; Luk 21

The evening of the third day:   After His last solemn warning to those in the temple the Lord and the disciples took a walk up the Mount of Olives.   The disciples were definitely concerned. So much had happened that day and things seemed to get progressively worse. The Lord had started with denunciations...
15 2011

The doctrine of the mystery part 2: Israel is the heritage of the church. Eph 1:9; Rom 11:15-29; Jer 31:31-34

Eph 1:8b By means of all wisdom and insight   In verse 9 is introduced the special wisdom that the Church has the privilege of learning, metabolizing, understanding, and applying.   Eph 1:9 He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in...
13 2011

The evening of the third day of the Passion Week: The Olivet Discourse, part 1 Matt 24; Luk 21

The evening of the third day:   After His last solemn warning to those in the temple the Lord and the disciples took a walk up the Mount of Olives.   The disciples were definitely concerned. So much had happened that day and things seemed to get progressively worse. The Lord had started with denunciations...
11 2011

The evening of the third day: The Lord answers the concerned disciples about the end of Israel. Matt 24

The evening of the third day:   After His last solemn warning to those in the temple the Lord and the disciples took a walk up the Mount of Olives.   The disciples were definitely concerned. So much had happened that day and things seemed to get progressively worse. The Lord had started with denunciations...
08 2011

The Doctrine of the mystery, Part 1 Eph 1:9; Eph 3:2-6

Eph 1:8 From which grace He [God the Father] has caused to superabound toward us [super-grace believers].By means of all wisdom and insight   In verse 9 is introduced the special wisdom that the Church has the privilege of learning, metabolizing, understanding, and applying.   Eph 1:9 He...
06 2011

The parable of the Wedding Feast and the Wedding Clothes. Matt 22

Parables given during the third day:   The Laborers and the vineyard:   Matt 19:30 – 20:16   The two sons and the vineyard: Spoken in the temple.   Matt 21:28 – 32     The evil...
04 2011

Parables of the Vineyard and Two Sons and the Vineyard and the Evil Vine-growers: God is patient and gracious, but judgment eventually comes to the unbeliever.

Parables given during the third day:   The Laborers and the vineyard:   Matt 19:30 – 20:16   The two sons and the vineyard:   Matt 21:28 "But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said,...
01 2011

God has revealed the mystery to us, which includes the love from Christ. Eph 1:9; 1 Co 13:1-8

Eph 1:8a: From which grace he [God the Father] has caused to superabound toward us [super-grace believers]   Eph 1:8 which He lavished upon us. In all wisdom and insight   We have completed our coverage of sophia – wisdom and our coverage of phronesis or “insight,” which is wisdom...
29 2011

The parable of the Landowner and the laborers, part 2. Matt 19:30- 20:16

Parables given during the third day:   The Laborers and the vineyard:   Matt 19:23 And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.   Matt 19:24 "And again I say to you, it is easier for a...
27 2011

A parable for the disciples to address their spiritual covetousness.

Day three of the Passion week:   While walking along on Solomon’s porch His authority is questioned:   Matt 21:23-27   Question of tribute to Caesar: Was Jesus a nationalist? Matt 22:15-22   Mark...
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