
12 2011

The Doctrine of the Mystery part 6: 7 parables in Matt 13 give the program for the mystery kingdom Matt 13

Within this present age between the two advents of Christ, God is bringing to fulfillment two distinct programs: that with the church, which will be completed at the rapture of the church, and that with Israel, which will be completed after the rapture at the second advent of Christ.   They will and must remain distinct from one...
09 2011

Preparation for the final Passover. For Peter and John ritual becomes reality Matt 26:17-19; Mark 14:12-16; Luk 22:7-13; John 13:1

The fifth day is preparation for the Passover.   Matt 26:17-19 Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover?" 18 And He said, "Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him,...
07 2011

Fourth day of the passion week; Judas' fall and the 30 pieces of silver Matt 26; Zech 10:12; Ex 21:32

It is the fourth day of the passion week and now the Master was telling it to them in plain words; as He was calmly contemplating it, and that not as in the dim future, but in the immediate present - at that very Passover, from which scarcely two days separated them. He would be crucified on the Passover.   But to Judas Iscariot, in...
05 2011

The doctrine of the mystery part 5: The Lord introduces the mystery of the kingdom after His ultimate rejection. Matt 13

While we recognize the distinctions between the earthly and the eternal aspects of the kingdom program,we must guard against making the terms kingdomof God and the kingdom of the heavens absolute. Only the context can determine the meaning intended to be conveyed by the terms.   /The Lord reveals what kingdom He is...
02 2011

Passion week day four; Judas betrays Matt 26

Believers who understand the difference between truth and the lie; between life with God and life without God, say as Peter did when the disciples were challenged by the Lord after hundreds had left when victory wasn’t on the horizon, and he said, “where are we going to go, You have the words of eternal life,” these believer’s don’t quit...
31 2011

The fourth day of the Passion Week, rest for the Lord and evil planning for His enemies Matt 26:1,2 Part 2

Conclusion The Olivet Discourse is the most detailed teaching that the Mes­siah gave concerning future things. It was His last great discourse as a prophet because from this point, He went into a transitional period from prophet to priest as He offered a sacrifice, that of His own blood, and then began to function as our High Priest...
31 2011

The fourth day of the Passion Week, rest for the Lord and evil planning for His enemies Matt 26:1,2. Part 1

Conclusion The Olivet Discourse is the most detailed teaching that the Mes­siah gave concerning future things. It was His last great discourse as a prophet because from this point, He went into a transitional period from prophet to priest as He offered a sacrifice, that of His own blood, and then began to function as our High Priest...
29 2011

The doctrine of the mystery part 4: The Lord introduces the mystery of the kingdom after His ultimate rejection. Matt 13

Memorial Day: Opening prayer after the following:   [slide: Medal of Honor]   DUNHAM, JASON L. [Medal of Honor Recipient] Corporal, United States Marine Corps For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity (intra-pidity) at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while...
25 2011

The Olivet Discourse Part 4, the concluding parables concerning Israel's Tribulation and Deliverer

The Olivet Discourse.   M. Parables Urging Watchfulness, Readiness, and Laboring— Matt hew 24:43 -25:30; Mark 13:33-37   In order to reinforce His closing point in the previous section, the Messiah presented five parables, all having as their main point the urging of watchfulness, readiness, and...
20 2011

The Olivet Discourse Part 3 Matt 24; Luk 21

The Olivet Discourse.   All together, three questions were asked which, at the same time, in­cluded requests for three signs.   The first question was: “When will Jerusalem and the Temple be destroyed, and what will be the sign that this is about to take...
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