
27 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 6; Cosmic #2; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 6; John 15:11.   Review: Cosmic One.   Cosmic Two: the hatred complex – fighting God.   Room #1: Negative volition. At three places: God consciousness, gospel hearing, post-salvation NVTD.   A...
25 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 5; Cosmic #1; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 5; John 15:11.   Room #19: The arrogance of emotion. This is the irrationality of emotion dominating the thinking in an arrogant person.   This is illustrated by the tongues movement in which arrogance divorces itself from the reality of Bible doctrine and emotion...
23 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 4; Cosmic #1; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 4; John 15:11.   Are there any coincidences in the plan of God? Paul Harvey - Patrick Henry... Today is the anniversary of Henry's speech… Today the Harvey clip gets sent out … Today I start with Room #13 in cosmic one...
22 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 3; Cosmic #1; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 3; John 15:11. [class canceled]   Eph 5:8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light   Eph 5:9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness [production of divine good] and...
20 2012

Sharing the happiness of God; Part 2; Darkness vs. Light; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 2; John 15:11.   We are reminded again and again in the scripture that we must see the frontier between the plan of God and the kosmic system and choose God’s plan while we witness to the world.   1 John 1:1  What was from the beginning, what we have...
18 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 1; Darkness vs. Light; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 1; John 15:11.   Conference meeting Sunday. Book is complete.   John 15:11"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.   These things I have spoken to you...
16 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, introduction; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, introduction; John 15:11.   Conference meeting Sunday. Book is complete.   John 15:11"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.    “I have...
15 2012

Positional and experiential sanctification, part 2; John 15:10

Title: Positional and experiential sanctification, part 2; John 15:10.   1 Cor 14:33 for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.    “saints” – a[gioj [hagios] = those who are set apart for God through the baptism of the Spirit...
14 2012

Positional and experiential sanctification; John 15:10.

Title: Positional and experiential sanctification; John 15:10.   At the moment of faith in Christ the believer is baptized by God the Holy Spirit and he is entered into union with Christ.   This action by God, which can be done through the completed work of Christ who satisfied the justice of God through...
13 2012

Sanctification enjoys an intimate and mechanical relationship with God; John 15:10

Title: Sanctification enjoys an intimate and mechanical relationship with God; John 15:10.   John 15:9 "Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.   How do I continue to abide in His love?   John 15:10"If you keep My...
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