
29 2012

Jesus Christ has authority over individuals and nations without violating free will; John 15:16.

  Title: Jesus Christ has authority over individuals and nations without violating free will; John 15:16.   Jesus Christ controls human history and He has the omniscience to harden a heart by manipulating circumstances without manipulating the free will of that...
27 2012

God will mold the believer and unbeliever to accomplish all his good pleasure; John 15:16.

Title: God will mold the believer and unbeliever to accomplish all his good pleasure; John 15:16.     Rom 9:15 For He says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."   God’s mercy is the cross and...
25 2012

God molds the clay after He foresees the yes’ and no’s; John 15:16.

Title: God molds the clay after He foresees the yes’ and no’s; John 15:16.   Go back to: Rom 9:13 Just as it is written, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."   Anthropopathism: ascribing to God a human characteristic which God does not actually possess in order to...
24 2012

Don’t throw away your elected birthright for earthly things; John 15:16

Title: Don’t throw away your elected birthright for earthly things; John 15:16.   Rom 9:12 it was said to her, "The older will serve the younger."   Though the sons of Esau continually harassed the sons of Jacob [Israel] for approximately 1000 years, this promise will be fulfilled...
23 2012

OSN desires instant gratification. Election is for God’s lasting happiness; John 15:16

Title: OSN desires instant gratification. Election is for God’s lasting happiness; John 15:16.   Rom 9:1 I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,   Rom 9:2 that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart....
22 2012

The plan of God moves on, with or without you; John 15:16

Title: The plan of God moves on, with or without you; John 15:16.   Contrast Abraham and Cyrus. Contrast Paul and Judas.   The potter molds for His use both the believer and unbeliever, but God does not predetermine faith in a person. Faith is a matter of free will.   Verse...
20 2012

You can have it all and still blow it with negative volition; John 15:16.

Title:You can have it all and still blow it with negative volition; John 15:16.   Contrast Abraham and Cyrus. Contrast Paul and Judas.   Isa 45:8 "Drip down, O heavens, from above, And let the clouds pour down righteousness [TLJC]; Let the earth open up and salvation bear fruit, And...
18 2012

Man's free will must line up with God's Sovereign will. John 15:16.

Title: Don’t let the details of life make you lose sight of your election in Christ; John 15:16.   Last night in Matt 17 we witnessed the transfiguration of Christ along with Peter, James, and John and we concluded after they came down from the mountain into the valley where there was failure on the part of the other 8 disciples...
17 2012

Don’t let the details of life make you lose sight of your election in Christ; John 15:16.

Title: Don’t let the details of life make you lose sight of your election in Christ; John 15:16.   “Every house of God is a gate of heaven where the impossible and the miraculous become the natural breath.” Oswald Chambers.    “Thus His unique Birth was a coming, an advent, God...
16 2012

The sovereign will, permissive will, and overruling will of God; John 15:16.

Title: The sovereign will, permissive will, and overruling will of God; John 15:16.   John 15:16 "You did not choose Me, but I chose you, Aorist middle indicative of evkle,gomai[eklegomai] = election in Christ, which is God’s will for you to receive His highest and...
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