
22 2015

Gospel of John [18:28-36]. Christ's trials, part 5. Before Pilate.

Title: Gospel of John [18:28-36]. Christ's trials, part 5. Before Pilate.   John series 1000, Pony, Julie   Third trial - a gathering of the Sanhedrin in the morning in order to officially resolve to bring Him to Pilate in the hope of achieving the death penalty.   The...
20 2015

Gospel of John [18:25-27]. Christ's trials, part 4. Before Pilate.

Title: Gospel of John [18:25-27]. Christ's trials, part 4. Before Pilate.   Announcements/opening prayer:     After the trial at night there was a brief intermission and then another gathering was held in the very early morning in which more members of the Sanhedrin attended. Their...
19 2015

Gospel of John [18:25-27]. Christ's trials, part 3. Peter's second and third denials.

Title: Gospel of John [18:25-27]. Christ's trials, part 3. Peter's second andthird denials.   Announcements/opening prayer:     First trial - interview with Annas. Second trial - the evening trial before the court with...
18 2015

Gospel of John [18:24]. Christ's trials, part 2. Before Caiaphas and a limited court.

Title: Gospel of John [18:24]. Christ's trials, part 2. Before Caiaphas and a limited court.   Announcements/opening prayer:     Before we get to the final two denials by Peter recorded by John we should look at the interrogation of the Lord before the court with Caiaphas presiding as...
17 2015

Gospel of John [18:12-24]. Christ's trials, part 1. Annas, Caiaphas, and Peter's first denial.

Title: Gospel of John [18:12-24]. Christ's trials, part 1. Annas, Caiaphas, and Peter's first denial.   Announcements/opening prayer:     So ended the first scene in the terrible drama of that night.   Annas' [father-in-law to the...
15 2015

Gospel of John [18:4-11]. Gethsemane, part 5.

Title: Gospel of John [18:4-11]. Gethsemane, part 5.     Joh 18:4 Jesus therefore, knowing all the things that were coming upon Him, went forth, and said to them, "Whom do you seek?"    Joh 18:5 They answered Him, "Jesus the Nazarene." He said to them,...
13 2015

Gospel of John [18:3-11]. Gethsemane, part 4.

Title: Gospel of John [18:3-11]. Gethsemane, part 4.   Announcements/opening prayer:     After returning from His third prayer, no longer did He bid His disciples to keep watch. This changed to "let's get going and face My enemies."   Isa...
12 2015

Gospel of John [18:1-2]. Gethsemane, part 3.

Title: Gospel of John [18:1-2]. Gethsemane, part 3.   Announcements/opening prayer:     If someone, the four authors of the gospels, were trying to write a tale that was unreal but designed to attract followers to a false god or a false hero, this part of the narrative, the Garden of...
11 2015

Gospel of John [18:1-2]. Gethsemane, part 2.

Title: Gospel of John [18:1-2]. Gethsemane, part 2.   Announcements/opening prayer:     Joh 18:1 When Jesus had spoken these words, He went forth with His disciples over the ravine of the Kidron, where there was a garden, into which He Himself entered, and His disciples....
10 2015

Gospel of John [17; 18:1-2]. The Lord's priestly prayer; part 50. Prayer summary. Gethsemane.

Title: Gospel of John [17; 18:1-2]. The Lord's priestly prayer; part 50. Prayer summary. Gethsemane.   World: Vs. 5 - I had glory with You before the world was. Vs. 6 - The believer is given to Him out of the world - He prays for them but not the others who need the...
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