
08 2017

Judges 17. The first appendix: Micah's Levite and the migration of Dan depict the character of Israel.

Title: Judges 17. The first appendix: Micah's Levite and the migration of Dan depict the character of Israel.   Samson's life was a paradox of good and evil as is the history of Israel. He was not the spiritual hero as the rabbis depicted him who revised the obvious history in the scripture.   This...
01 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 20

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 20.   The people of the Indus River Valley reached a peak between 2600 and 1900 BC. Abraham lived near the end of this period. We have no idea what happened to the people of the Indus River Valley. Was there a war, famine,...
29 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 19.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 19.       Gal 6:12 Those who desire to make a good showing in the flesh try to compel you to be circumcised, simply that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.   Sadly, this infers that some Jewish Christians or...
28 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 18.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 18.     Paul then lists 5 things about the uncircumcised Gentiles.   Eph 2:11 Therefore remember, that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called "Uncircumcision" by the so-called "Circumcision," which is performed in the...
27 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 17.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 17.     Are Jew and Gentile separate in this age? Jesus has reconciled us both to the full status of sons. The distinction in our age is only in believer and unbeliever. All who believe, Jew or Gentile, are made members of the body of Christ...
26 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 16.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 16.     So we would conclude that the NC was instituted when Jesus died and His sacrifice finished, while the realization of the benefits of the covenant was future from that point.   By the grace of God, the church was given the...
24 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 15.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 15.     The Mosaic Covenant was only able to cover the sins of Israel, but the NC will take them away.   As we see in the NC, "I will remember their sins no more," and for this to be true there has to be a remission of...
22 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 14.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 14.     We noted last night that in the Millennium all believers will know the Lord, and that during that thousand years the earth will be without lies and deception. It may be that those in the Millennium who know the Lord will look back at our history and its rampant deception, and they...
21 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 13.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 13.     The film Darkest Hour, which is coming out in November of this year, and which is a movie about Winston Churchill, played by Gary Oldman, becoming Prime Minister and dealing with WWII got a rating of 5.4 out of 10. I was curious to see if it was actually not well made, and so I dug...
20 2017

Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 12.

Title: Doctrine of the New Covenant, part 12.     The time has come - the fullness of times, which is the incarnation of the Son of God. Believers are no longer children as they were in the OT, but are now all adult sons.   1Th 5:1 Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of...
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