Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 13. The rebound technique – power to move on despite your OSN.

Title: Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 13. The rebound technique – power to move on despite your OSN.


1 John 1:5 And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.


God is light and not one ounce of darkness is within Him – white light is made up of three primary colors. Light is a perfect analogy for the trinity.


Verse 6 represents the illusion of the one who thinks he has no sin or doesn’t think that sin affects him in any way. He doesn’t think that he is obligated to have fellowship with God. A lie.


1 John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth;


What is walking, or having a lifestyle in the darkness? Arrogance and hatred. Arrogance = I don’t need the doctrine. Hatred = I hate the doctrine.


Arrogance is the first cosmic sphere. This was the attitude of satan at his fall. Hatred is the second cosmic sphere. This was the attitude of satan after his fall. From his hatred of God and God’s truth religion was born.


These are darkness and they are a power more powerful than yourself. The light is the plan of God, which is also more powerful than yourself. There is not a third sphere that you can choose.


Man is weak. If you realize this you will cease to desire your own thing. You have a choice not a kingdom of your own.


He cannot be evil or good on his own. He must be influenced by systems outside of himself. Therefore, he must choose from the two systems.


1 John 1:7 but if we walk [lifestyle or the function of your life] in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.


“fellowship with one another”

/All meaningful fellowship within the royal family comes from the filling of the HS and enough doctrine where there is virtue and impersonal love.\


This is true in your acquaintances as well as any close friends that result from a common compatibility. Without walking in the light your relationships will be unrewarding. You need IUL for meaningful relationships.


The blood of Jesus is mentioned here because it was the humanity of Christ that died for your sins. Deity cannot die.


The Lord, by walking in the light His entire life, reached the cross impeccable and willingly allowed Himself to be nailed to it and hoisted up between heaven and earth and there allowing the sins of the entire world to be identified with Him and judged. This is termed the substitutionary spiritual death of Christ. His physical blood did not or does not save anyone.


/The blood of Christ – a metaphor for the substitutionary spiritual death of Jesus on the cross.\


Our key word in this verse is the verb “cleanses.” [from the blood of His son Jesus]


When Jesus Christ picked up His cross at the Praetorium and started out for Cavalry, He separated Himself from the entire human race. Completely alone He took that cross through the streets of Jerusalem. Even Simon who eventually helped him carry it was unwilling to do so and forced by the Roman soldiers. He completely switched over to impersonal unconditional love.


I mention this now, though IUL is another PSD, because I don’t want us to lose sight of where we are. Christ indwells all believers right now. And as the temple of God we must solve our own problems. Rebound solves the problem of personal sin. Christ didn’t have that problem since He never sinned. But because we have rebound as a solution to our sin then we can move on to the higher PSDs that Christ enjoyed to conquer all adversity.


We will never go through the adversity that Christ did on His last day, but we have been given the same power to solve our much lesser problems.


A point here is that Christ was alone, and that becomes a major problem for some believers as well as everybody, that they cannot be alone, they get too lonely and then go seeking in the cosmic system for companionship.


This leads to a secondary principle for the rest of us. Jesus Christ is unique, but there can be no true greatness in life, no capacity for love, no ability to love, unless you can separate yourself from the entire human race: people obnoxious, people attractive, people who are brilliant, people who are stupid, every kind of a person.


/You really never know what you are like until you are alone, and you never know what you are like when you are alone unless you can be alone and happy.\


[Look at 1 John 1:7 again] but if we walk [lifestyle or the function of your life] in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.


This verse and this epistle are addressed to believers. So the cleansing from sin refers to the rebound technique. Unbelievers are also cleansed when they believe in Christ, but that is not in view here.


The blood of Christ is the basis for the success of rebound every time it is used, no matter how often it is used and no matter what the sin is. [stress that to yourself so that guilt, which is a sin and can become evil, does not sink in]


Walking in the light means residing in the plan of God for your life. Yes it’s individual, but our plan is in the Scripture for each of us.


Since you can never reach a place of sinless perfection then rebound becomes a part of that plan.


/If we constantly live in the cosmic system, or often live there for lengthy periods of time, we are rejecting the rebound provision completely and are in disagreement with God’s essence.\


Aren’t you rejecting rebound when you take vacations in the cosmos?


Here again, you are in disagreement with God, and though you cannot lose your salvation, you live in the darkness.


If we are sensitive to the filling of the HS and always at the ready to rebound then we are following God’s grace procedure for the solution to personal sin, therefore we are walking in the light, though we are sinners. This is God’s grace and genius to us.


/Rebound is a part of the plan of God. The believer who uses it effectively is said to be walking in the light or residing in the PPOG.\


Every time he rebounds he is claiming the blood of Christ as the solution to sin and so he is continually cleansed. So we don’t focus on sin but we separate ourselves from sin through the rebound procedure.


Sin is paid for, but the effects of sin are still a very real danger.


Unconfessed sin results in cosmic system involvement which will further result in human good and evil and intensify in reversionism.


Rebound quickly and as often as necessary and do not be careless about it; you can’t afford to.


And if you want relief from frequent sinning, learn the plan of God and you will desire the light more than the darkness and in that way rejection of temptation is not a works program, rather, it glorifies God.


Next we have the believer’s illusion of sinlessness. This is the illusion that the OSN is not within every man and that there is essentially good in every man.


1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.


There was only one who was ever born without sin and that is TLJC through the virgin birth. The light or the plan given to our Lord was able to maintain His impeccability from birth to the cross.


/ “sin” – singular, referring to the OSN. “If we contend that we do not have an OSN,”\


/This is the antithesis of the biblical view which is the total depravity of man. Genetically we are born with an old sin nature, we receive the imputation of Adam’s sin, and we commit personal sins in three categories, mental, verbal, and overt. \


/ “deceiving” - planaw[planao] which means to deceive, to delude, to go astray, to be led stray or to wander astray. This word was commonly used by Gnostics.\


In Hellenistic speculation by Philo of Alexandria, in his system of dualism which became known as Gnosticism he used this word for opinions that contradicted his, in what he called an aberration of perception or erroneous opinion.




That’s why John uses this word. John took this word out of the vocabulary of Gnosticism, took it away from philosophical speculation, and uses it for the communication of truth in the Bible.


Taking some of the Gnostic thought into modern times you often run into the person who is willing to wait to stand before God and plead his case. He says, “I haven’t killed anyone, I’ve been pretty good, and therefore God will accept me into heaven.” What they don’t realize or believe is that eternal life depends solely on the work of Christ on the cross. By rejecting that they are deceiving themselves.


That’s just as bad as or maybe even worse than believing your sinless. It’s a subtle arrogance where, “I don’t need a Savior, I’ll attain heaven on my own.”


The believer becomes the temple of God at salvation, by believing in JC as Savior. The temple of Gnosticism, as it is still today, is human philosophy mixed with some religion, some psychology, some mysticism, some etc.


Now in verse nine we have the solution to the sin problem that every believer has.


1 John 1:9If we [3rd class – maybe you will and maybe you wont] confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


/ “confess” – present active subjunctive of o(mologew[homologeo] = to cite, admit, acknowledge, or to state in a trial. \


Naming or citing a sin is a non-meritorious function. It doesn’t emphasize the sinner but the one who paid for the sin. Therefore, if you add popular things like, “I feel sorry, I’ll never do it again, I will make it up to you through penance, etc,” then you are adding work to the cross of Christ. It is finished!


The present tense tells us that this is something that should habitually occur when we commit a personal sin. The active voice means that you have to confess and no one can confess for you. The subjunctive mood means that maybe you will or won’t; it depends on your volition.


/ “sins” – a(martia[hamartia - plural] refers to personal sins in the three categories, mental, verbal, overt. \


Obviously, if you are going to admit or acknowledge a sin to God you must know what that sin is. That means that there will be a lot of sins that you commit while you are growing spiritually that you are not aware of the fact that they are sins.


You are responsible for them because they come from your volition linked to your old sin nature, and therefore God holds you responsible for them. But you will be cleansed from the unknown sins when you confess the known sin or sins.


With this is a possessive genitive plural from the verb e)gw[ego] meaning that the sins you confess are yours and not someone elses.


/We are believer priests and as the royal priesthood our responsibility is not to stick our nose into the lives of others or to “straighten them out.”\


The individual believer is given freedom to respond to Bible doctrine and if he is sinning and failing in some way that is God’s business, not yours. Your job is to represent yourself before God. As a believer priest you do not represent anyone else but yourself. Therefore you can only acknowledge, admit, or cite your sins.


Any emotional reaction to sin has nothing whatever to do with it. Emotion has no content of thought, has no spiritual connotation. Emotion was designed to be a responder to thought under normal circumstances.


/How you feel about the sin you have committed is of no consequence. You are to recognize it and confess it to the Father.\


This is also not a license to sin but a grace provision for the believer to recover fellowship with God.


The fact that you recognize it is all that is necessary, and the only reason you recognize it is because you’ve learned it was a sin. You’ve learned through the laws of divine establishment, you’ve learned through the teaching of Bible doctrine, you’ve learned through some presentation of divine standards. But once you learn it is a sin how you feel about it is of no consequence. And if you have a guilt feeling, that is another sin.


/Guilt is an arrogant sin that attempts to add to the work of Christ. A guilt complex is sin parlayed into evil defense mechanisms.\


There is no place in God’s word where God ever asked you to have a guilt complex about anything. It is not a part of the Christian way of life, it is a part of cosmic one, and it is arrogance. It is preoccupation with self.


You may be emotionally involved with your sins or your successes. But remember this: what ever emotion is dictating emotion has no capability of rationale. Emotion cannot think; emotion is not a spiritual factor.


The filling of the Holy Spirit in this dispensation has no emotional connotation and will not have until the Millennium.


The whole system for the royal family of God is thought. This does not mean we are minus emotion; far from it. But it means that if emotion dominates your soul you are in the cosmic system, you are a slave to circumstances, and you will never learn the Christian way of life. Emotion is to be subordinate to thought and must never interfere with thought. Therefore we live in a dispensation where we are challenged more than ever to believe doctrine, and the result is thought.


1 John 1:9If we [3rd class – maybe you will and maybe you wont] confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive [cancel] us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


/God is perfect integrity. Faithful – God is consistent in forgiveness or cancellation. Righteous – God is integrity which was satisfied by Christ. \


/ “cleanse us from all unrighteousness” – when we confess our known sins we are cleansed or purified from all unknown sins as well as any human good or evil emanated from the OSN.\


The verb translated “cleanse” is the aorist active subjunctive of katharizo. The gnomic aorist tense means that God does the same thing every time – He cleanses you the moment you confess.


The active voice means that God does the cleansing. This rules out all penance or making it up to God. You cannot cleanse yourself.


The subjunctive mood means that cleansing is based upon your use of the rebound technique. If you fail to rebound after sinning then you will not re-enter fellowship with God.


/Ignorance of doctrine tends to make the church lean on traditions that are completely against the teachings of God’s word.\


Now, verse 8 was written for those who claimed to be born without an OSN or that they were born inherently good.


1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.


In verse 10 we have the claim that the person was born in sin but overcame that problem to reach sinless perfection and will never sin again. I have heard one guy teach this who was a doctrinal teacher for years and added it as PSD #11.


/ Verse 10 – instead of inherent goodness we have acquired goodness.\


1 John 1:10If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.


The illusion of acquiring sinless perfection is truly ironic since this claim can only be made in the cosmic system.


This is another part of Gnostic teaching that has lasted throughout the church in various cults and denominations.


/By constantly contending that they are sinless these people continue to call God a liar and they do not embrace the word in love nor are they impregnated by it. \


Many people like this have some gnosis or maybe even a lot of gnosis, but it has only been acquired under arrogance and approbation lust.






















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