Mat 4:12-17; That Light at the End of the Tunnel – Your Salvation.

Class Outline:

Sunday March 3, 2024

Idea: The light of Christ dawned in the darkness to give sight and repentance for deliverance from death.


Introduction: Jesus leaves the region of Judea for His ministry in Galilee.


Galilee is depicted by the prophet Isaiah as a dark place.


Death-darkness by birth (born in Adam).

Dearth-darkness by reputation (failing to repent and walk in the light). ]


This first and most important reason for darkness is being born into it. Death-darkness by birth.


Second, Galilee is dark by reputation. The Judeans, especially the Pharisees, believe that even the devout Galileans are substandard Jews. Death-darkness by association.



EPH 5:6-21


If you realize that you have been born into the darkness, and that your life, and your family, or upbringing, or society is low, or poor in spirit, rejoice for the light has come to you.


If you have Him through faith, then you are the light. If you have Him through faith, but are still enslaved to the flesh and the world, you are living in the way of darkness and not yet walking in the light.


If you have Him and you are by faith, worshiping Him and walking in the light, then you will always be surrounded by darkness that will tempt and test you - but like Christ in the wilderness, you will overcome.


Main passage: MAT 4:12-17.

1This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah (ISA 9:1-2). 


The people sat [walked or lived in Hebrew] in darkness - spiritual darkness is so thick that it immobilizes (sluggish solitude)


Context of Isa 9 reveals a bigger picture of the plan of redemption. 


Four parts leading up to the blessed hope: 


Moment of decision: ISA 7:1-17; Ahaz is challenged to believe and t  rust while his dynasty (Davidic) is at stake


Judgment: 7:18-8:8; Assyrian invasion. Israel ruined and Judah threatened. 


Remnant: 8:9-22; Opponents are doomed, the true people of God are in the nation and are faithful and patiently waiting and looking for God.


Glorious hope: 9:1-7; The birth and reign of the Davidic King and His world peace

ISA 9:1-7; the fundamental expressions of light and joy are related to a three-fold explanation in vv. 4, 5, 6; opening with “For.” 


1) Liberation, 2) entering into the fruits of a victory already won, 3) birth of the child. 


(vs. 9:2) The death-darkness. The remnant, caught up in the toils of national calamity, have been walking in darkness though they seek the Lord’s face (8:17). Some are not seeking the Lord and their darkness runs through them (unbeliever are darkness; remnant is in darkness). 


The darkness-light motif points to the creative work of God, in this case, making men and their world new (GEN 1:2-3; 2CO 4:6). 


(9:5) Fruits of the Lord’s victory. The people enter the battlefield only after the fighting is done. 


Lord’s Supper: Their shoulders were relieved (9:4) while His shoulders bear the rule of the kingdom. 


“He will be called …” are the throne names of David’s perfect heir. 


Four-fold name: 

Wonderful counselor (better: supernatural counselor) = supernatural wisdom far more than Solomon. 


Mighty God (el gibbor) used of God in 10:21. Immanuel of ISA 7:14; MAT 1:23.


Eternal Father - care for the helpless, discipline His people, demand their loyal reverential response to Him. Eternal = God alone. 


Prince of Peace - no more war, permanent victory, no anxiety, good will, harmony, God’s favor (peace with Him). Prince - rule and royalty of someone who embodies it all Himself. (David was a man of blood. Solomon a man of peace but an idolater.)


The light of Christ went into the darkness of Galilee. The light of Christ has shown in your heart. 2PE 1:19; 2CO 4:6.


Do you love the things of God more than the things of the world?

Do you love God more than your flesh?

Let the light rise in your heart through faith.